Organisation of PLA Customers
'Organising PLA customers for a fairer deal'
The Harbour Revision Order is back see here.
This is the web site of 'OPLAC', an organisation set up by, and run in the interests of, customers of the Port of London Authority, specifically River Works Licence holders (licensed moorings along the Thames downstream of Teddington lock).
"The tranquillity of life on the river is being disturbed by a row about money....."
We aim to represent the interests of River Works licence holders to the PLA, to promote issues to the public and elected representatives, and to assist our members in obtaining better terms for their licence. Join us here.
'Houseboats of the Thames unite, you have nothing to lose but your fees.'
The PLA have released basic information about River Works Licences. Ever wondered how many licence holders there are? Or where they are? Click here.