Firedart incident

Post date: Nov 27, 2012 12:34:4 PM

In the early hours of 26th November the 'Firedart' a large fireboat, accompanied by a high wash lower Thames policeboat, undertook a two hour trip from Lambeth to Hampton Court at full speed through central and suburban London, past hundreds of houseboats, leaving massive wash.  Rather predictably it arrived at a boat fire at Ash Island 'after the fire was under control'.

A lot of damage was caused and the PLA are receiving large numbers of complaints.  If you were affected please fill in an incident report form from and send it to to Alex Brown (Assistant Upper Harbour Master)

Local authorities other than London have small RIB and even small hovercraft fireboats in more local locations. The large and expensive 'Firedart' is clearly only suitable to operate below Wandsworth bridge.